Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Afghanistan: A Lost Cause?

Hardly. Here are four different viewpoints and plans proposed as to how the US should proceed with the situation in Afghanistan.

Position #1: by Trudy Rubin

Thesis: We should send more US and NATO troops to Afghanistan to supplement a counterinsurgency strategy.

Main Point #1: By sending more troops, we can curtail Taliban expansion, therefore limiting their ability to recruit and take over more areas.

Main Point #2: We need to strengthen Pakistan, and this is most achievable is we focus specifically on strengthening their government against internal terrorist attacks.

Main Point #3: Securing major population centers will allow the Afghan people to begin "self-defending."

Position #2: by Michael A. Cohen and Parag Khanna

Thesis: Our militaries' attention should begin focusing on Pakistan instead of Afghanistan.

MP #1: We should continue attacking with drones, using Pakistani intelligence to improve the accuracy of our strikes.

MP #2: By cooperating with local Afghan leaders, we can hope to have Taliban leaders "flip" and give us valuable information about Al Qaida.

Mp #3: Another helpful project that we should pursue is strengthening support for the Pakistani government and military.

Position #3: by Tariq Ali

Thesis: It would be best for us to encourage regional negotiations rather than try to solve the issue using our military force.

MP #1: All US forces should withdraw immediately from Afghanistan.

MP #2: As we withdraw, a pact between regions should be created to help stabilize Afghanistan if it experiences trouble in the next ten years.

MP #3: Another plan focusing on the reconstruction of Afghanistan's social and economic systems should also be made.

Position #4: by George Will

Thesis: All US and NATO troops should pull out of Afghanistan now.

MP #1: We should offer help to rebuild and support Afghanistan once we have left.

MP #2: Forces in Afghanistan should be reduced to serve a revised US policy on Afghanistan.

MP #3: Whatever we choose to do should all be things we are capable of doing from offshore.

There you are. I think I met the requirements, and I am really trying to keep things simple instead of writing a novel for every point. It's something I need to work on, but I think I did a pretty good job of it here.

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