Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Children Of The Taliban

It is undeniable that the Taliban have Afghanistan and Pakistan in a stalemate. If anyone moves out of turn, the situation could get extremely ugly, extremely fast. And that's not to say that the situation is not already growing out of hand. As seen in the video we watch in class, the Pakistani government has signed a peace deal with the Taliban, allowing them a larger safe haven in a more volatile place. Day by day, soldiers perish, people are executed, and the Taliban gain more momentum. But perhaps even more worrisome than all of that is the effect all of this is having on the children of Pakistan.

1. Why do children join the Taliban?

Many things in Pakistan could cause or provoke a child to join the Taliban. Pakistan is a country that highly values religion, and the Taliban have wielded this to their advantage. Madrasas, or small "religion" based schools, have been created by the Taliban as a means to recruit new members. Some of their primary targets are as young as six years old. Families are attracted to the madrasas by promises of food and shelter, but only if their sons attend school with the Taliban. And religion isn't the only thing they learn about in school. They also are trained in all things military, taught how be a suicide bomber, and schooled in how to safely use weapons. Seems to me like maybe religion and education aren't the top priorities at these so called "schools. They just happen to be convenient cover for a brainwashing operation. The children at these schools are indoctrinated into believing that the only way to prove their devotion to their religion is through violence. Oh, and if you're a girl? You don't get to go school, because your school was just bombed by the Taliban. Have a nice day kids.... have a nice day.

2. How has the war in Afghanistan impacted children?

Pakistani children have been forced to grow up quickly. They have been inducted into a world of violence, blood, and hatred. Education is not a guarantee, and for many children, not even an option. The economy is hot and cold, and the job market isn't exactly bustling. So where do the children turn? To the Taliban, who support their families, offer them direction, and give them cool weapons. It's the sad reality for so many young children, and unless something is done soon, their future isn't looking too bright.

3. Has the military offensive by the Pakistani army/ US military drones been effective?

Not really. First of all, the drone attacks are somewhat less accurate than they need to be. Sure, maybe they manage to take out a Taliban member, who will just become a martyr and be worshipped anyways, but they might also kill innocent civilians or bystanders. Also, the damage and death caused by the drone attacks have only incited the Taliban initiative even more. The destruction just excites them even more, and only adds to their drive.

4. How and why does the Taliban continue to grow?

Because they market themselves so well to children, the Taliban have an almost endless supply of new members. Their intricate process of indoctrination makes use of things such as the madrasas to begin plugging the Taliban future to children as early as possible. In a country facing so many struggles, the allure of the Taliban is a sense of purpose. You have a direction to go in, something to put your heart and soul into. This is why the Taliban continues to grow.

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